agile hardware
But we need to get through the waiver
By Clicking on the button 'I accept the WIKISPEED Waiver above' at the bottom of this form, I agree to the following:
1. Liability Waiver: If WIKISPEED Inc. team members drop the car on my foot, they will take me to the hospital, but I will not own the company. I agree to exercise appropriate caution when engaging in WIKISPEED Inc. activities, and I will not hold WIKISPEED Inc. or other team members accountable in any way for any injury I may sustain.
2. Noncompete: I can work for anyone I’d like to, forever, but I agree I won’t use technology and process used by WIKISPEED Inc. to directly compete against WIKISPEED Inc.
3. Nondisclosure: Most of WIKISPEED Inc.’s innovations are pushed into the public domain quickly, to make the world a better place. Some technologies and techniques are protected by patents or trade secrets. I will not redistribute and will protect (encrypt, etc.) any information that WIKISPEED Inc. has made known to me is a trade secret, intending to be patented, or in any stage of the patentapplication process.
4. My contributions to team WIKISPEED Inc., in time, services, dollars, goods, cookies, etc., are donations. WIKISPEED Inc. has made known that if they profit they intend to reimburse all donations, with appropriate interest, if and when responsible. I trust WIKISPEED Inc. to determine what is appropriate when it may be responsible, and I hold no legal claim or debt to the company.
5. My inventions are my own if I want them. All WIKISPEED requires is that WIKISPEED has rights to use inventions I share with or invent with WIKISPEED Inc. in perpetuity and at no fee. I may choose to patent my inventions, gift them to WIKISPEED, or gift them to the public domain.
6. Mandatory Arbitration: WIKISPEED Inc. and I both agree to settle any potential legal dispute through arbitration. This avoids court time and attorneys’ fees, and although the end result is often not what either of us would want ideally the results of court typically aren’t what either of us would want ideally, either.
We are a distributed team of volunteers, rapidly solving problems for social good, and are so glad to have you visiting our shop, joining our team, enjoying our products or services, and/or helping us change the world for the better.